I love you all. Transfers are tomorrow. My trainee is going to be with Sister Wells!!! Love Sister Wells, it will be good for Sister Nascimento and I get to work again with Sister Pinehiro!!! She was the first one I trained!! I am actually really really really excited! It will be good for me and exactly what I need. I love her.
I am so grateful for the gospel, forgiveness, healing and love. I don't function well without communication and I am learning so much about myself right now. It's crazy!!
I am reading Mosiah 2 right now. What an amazing chapel. All about service and work. I am so grateful for the chance to work. It is an inherit desire that as humans we need. We need to really feel that in our lives. The satisfaction that comes from working. It grows in us. We are built on the law and principle of work. How cool is that. Everyone should read it. So good.
I am just grateful for the gospel in my life. I am grateful that Heavenly Father lives and loves me and that things can always be better. I am grateful for the priesthood.
I love you all and wish you all an amazing week! I am praying for each of you always!!
With all my love.
Sister Taylor
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