January 23, 2012

How is everyone today? I hope everyone enjoyed church yesterday and had the chance to renew their covenants. It's a good feeling.

What is new on the home front? Anything exciting happening in people's lives or in the community?

My last week was really hard. We have a another missionary here now so it's us 4. Two sets of missionaries and very very very different personalities. They are cool but I was having a hard time with some of the conversations so I just removed myself which made them feel weird so then it was that silent, grumpy, uncomfortable setting in the house. It was terrible. The week was so slow. At one point I thought ´I can't do this for six more months´ and then I thought ´Wow my life is going to be really long.... what a drag´. Basically I learned that without being happy life is terrible. So we has a good inventory and my companion lovingly told me that I needed to change, so I did. And it's been a lot better. I am learning a lot about myself, a lot about working with new personalities, and a lot about forgiveness. I am so grateful for the principle of forgiveness, which includes forgiving and forgetting. Each of us have our own motives and when you understand everything behind that motive, it makes sense. We just have to spend the time to get to know the motives behind the actions. The whole motives, which is usually more than what people are willing to say and explain. I am learning lots and trying to be more humble. As president Hinckley's father told him ´Forget yourself and go to work´. I am trying that. I am trying to get to know each of the missionaries living with me but I really need to get to know my companion. She is great, I just have to adjust as well to living with three Brazilians. They are amazing it's just a difference in culture and mindset. I had an American explain it to me really well once, she said ´I understand why you do what you do´. It is in the little things. I am grateful for the chance to get to know a different mindset then I can take the best from the two and form who I want to be.

I am so grateful for prayer. This week I have really felt the importance of prayer. It has been a blessing and I have gotten to read the Ensign from general conference in October!!! I finally got it last week!!! It is so good! I love reading it and getting to study how important their messages are! Truly we have a living prophet here on the earth again. I am grateful for that knowledge.

I love you all and I hope you are all doing well!

Love Always,
Sister Kathryn Taylor!!!

January 16, 2012

Hello Hello,

This last week has been interesting, and difficult. We did a risoto, which means you cook a ton of food in your house and sell tickets to raise money then they come and pick up lunch. The members donated the food so this couple could raise money to get married. It was a huge hit, but then the couple didn't go to church sunday...that is kind of sad. We are going to visit them tonight to see what's happening.

I am realizing how quickly my time is going, the mission continues, but my chance to do my part is going fast. This last transfer has been the worst of my mission and I am so excited to be able to really work. The good satisfaction at the end of the day of having worked my best and done all I could.

We have been studying the gospel of Jesus Christ lately. It is so perfect. I love it. Talking of faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the holy ghost and continuing to the end. I am so grateful for the chances I have had to make convenants. God has always made covenants with his people, from the very begining and its our privilage to make them with him. I am grateful for that. Its so simple but these covenants are necessary for us to progress spiritually. I am grateful again for the priesthood. God's plan is perfect and I feel it. That is the best part, when it makes sense in your head and then your heart feels it. The more I come to know and study the better it is.

Funnyish story this week. There is a hive of some kind of really intense bee that is in the bushes at my the chapel and one stung my head twice the other day. I didn't know it could hurt that bad so I put ice on it. Then I slept with the headband in my hair (as usual because the fan makes my hair go in my face and it's annoying) but I put ice cubes under the head band and it helped. It hurt.

I hope you all are doing WONDERFULLY. I love you all and hope you are all happy. Let me know what I can do to help anyone.

Love Always,


January 9, 2012

First off hello everyone! I hope that everyone is doing great! I hope it's not too cold there, but cold enough to enjoy. It doesn't seem like it's snowing there like it used to be, that is kind of sad but opposite of that it's HOT here!!! Really hot. It was 44 degrees C the other day. I think that comes out to a little above 100. My companions from the north of Brazil were dying!!!! I was dealing with it better than them. I thought that was weird but they live by the beaches there so it's hot but there is always a breeze and its not so humid there. As soon as we walk outside we are sticky and its so great showering 2 times a day!! Really I am learning to love it. Its like how there is always a week or two that is really hot back home. Its like living in that without any air conditioning. So ya, but its good!

I am liking our area. Our teaching group is still really small but we are going to get another Sister next week so we will divide our area and that will be good. I am excited for that. Then we can really work, but wow time is flying. This transfer has gone really really fast. I can't believe how fast it keeps going.

It seems like right now is a time of change in our family. It's always hard to change, and never comfortable, but we don't seem to grow without change. So it really is a blessing.

We were knocking doors the other day and met two sisters and their kids, Michelle and Rosane. We started to teach the restoration but we never got past prophets and we started talking about family. These girls remind me so much of our family. Talking about how everyone is always in each others house and all the kids running around together. (I look forward to that time when I'll be there with you) But I got to talk to them about the importance of eternal families. At the end Rosane said I would like you girls to come to my house. When are you going to come by? Then she talked about how hard it is to catch her at home. But she asked again, So when are you coming by? We said this next week and she said Ok, I'll try not to leave the house so much so that I'll be there to talk to you girls. That was a neat experience that I liked because if there is anything that I know more about because of the mission it's families and the power that families have. I am so grateful for each one of you. I am grateful that we have a chance to learn and grow and help each other. The gospel is perfect. I know the things I am teaching people are true. I know God lives, he loves us. He loves us so much that he created a perfect plan for us to live but with our imperfections he sent Jesus Christ to be our Savior. Everything makes sense in the plan that Heavenly Father has provided for us. Jarom 1:2 ´What can I say more. Have not our fathers laid out the plan of salvation?´ I love that. I know the Book of Mormon and Bible are sacred scriptures as well as the words of modern prophets and we are protected as we respond to their voice. I love you all.

Love Always and Forever,
Kathryn, Auntie Kat (portuguese ti-tia kat) and for the short time I have left Sister Taylor

p.s. i found out i have really low blood pressure, andi have a hard time staying awake in personal study and after lunch so if anyone has ideas please let me know.

January 2, 2012

My wonderful family,

How is everyone today? How are the new year's goals? I really am taking them seriously this year and I am excited, especialy because I want to learn more about endurance and then applying it into my life. It's something I think I seriously lack.

I am learning a lot right now about our responsibility to help those around us. I have been praying to know my purpose here in the mission but especially with my new area. It has nothing to do with being better than other people or trying to be impressive, it's all about how we can help other people reach their potential and in doing so at the same time reaching ours. The more we give the fulller we are. I love the way Heavenly Father works.

I know the authority of God was restored here on the earth. The priesthood is the foundation. We are not just another church or another people with different beliefs. It all has to do with authority. My invition for all of you is to study about the authority that God gives man. there are some great passages in the Bible and in the Book of Mormon. Then pray. Ask Heavenly Father if he really has restored it to the earth and ask where. I love that we can ask questions and based on our study and real intent, he answers.

I love each and every one of you. I am here if any of you need anything. You can count on me.

Love, Auntie Kat