August 6, 2012

I am so excited to see you all! So very excited. Also incredibly nervous so don't have any doubts I am more nervous than everyone else. What I want: I want to go to the temple. I don't know when I am going to be released. Does any one know? I don't want to watch any movies. We will have to wait a while for that one. I love you all. I am so glad I have had this chance to serve. That a little desire started to grow inside of me and Heavenly father let me choose. I am so grateful for our family. I am grateful for what I have learned here. The areas I served in will always be sacred to me. I learned so much more about the little things. There is no replacing that. I am so very imperfect, but I know my Savior better. I know what is important. I love you all so much. I am excited to see you all. I will be akward and strange probably (not in the fact of being alone, after 18 months I am a little excited for that part :)). I love you all. Love, Kat

July 30, 2012

Hey everyone, I am so grateful right now. I feel very happy, very calm. I have been very far from perfect but I feel good. This last week will be a great time. Our zone leader called to say that President was going to close our area after I leave, I got really really sad. I thought about the members and how much they need help and the people that we are preparing to be baptized and how much they need help. About how much work I had done to help them. Then the next day they called again and said the stake president practically begged to keep sisters there so at least the next transfer there will be missionaries. That will be good. We have 5 people getting ready to be baptized. 1 waiting to stop smoking her 2 cigarettes a week, she is funny, another is a couple that are extremely logical but they are seeking a answer, and then another young man. Then Saturday we have a baptism of Gilmar. He is a good kid, kind of hurt by life. This week I have a lot of work. I am grateful for that. I am so grateful for everything I have learned this last year and a half. The gospel is simple. It can become very deep and detailed but the principles of salvation and exaltion remain simple. Faith, Repentance, Baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and ENDURING TO THE END. They probably just seem like words, like the 4th article of faith, but they really mean so much to me. That is all that Christ taught in his ministry. Through example, parables, preaching. It is so simple. God has a plan and path prepared for ALL to live with him again, because of this he sent Christ to give us the example and prepare the way. He wants us ALL to return to him, but we have the divine gift of agency! So amazing. I love you all. Next week I will be seeing you all. I love you all and I am so excited! Love Always, Kat