October 24, 2011

What a week...lots has happened and I have felt lots this week.

Its getting hot and sticky. Definately into the phase of two showers a day.

Tranfers are tomorrow. I was feeling so ready to leave then we got the call and they said I am going to stay and my comp is getting transferred! Pretty sweet. Then they said I am going to be a comp with Sister Dunford! I am so excited. I have so much respect for her. She helped me a lot when I had that complicated companion. I am excited about that.

We cut Claudia and Robson the other day. I cried trying to explain there is no way we can justify teaching when they are choosing not to do it. We talked about transfers more though so I need to tell them clearly again that we can't go back if they won't change. Its hard because he wants it still but isn't willing to give up what he needs to. He wants it so much but she is so closed to anything. She shuts down. Its sad to see. I really do understand now what my blessing said that some people's desicions will break my heart...its so true.

I am in a great area, with lots of people and an amazing ward. I have made some really good friends here in this ward.

Its really funny to see, my companion is so excited to leave. I love her but I am done too. Time to learn something else.

Lots of love.

Love, Kat

October 17, 2011

Hello family!! how is everyone doing? it's getting warm here in the Rio Grande do Sol! People from the north of Brazil say that its even hotter here! I think its because its more humid here and in the Summer there is no breeze.... That will be fun. I am getting tan lines, especially on my neck and my feet!!!! Its pretty night and day, I can only imagine the end of the summer how crazy that will be. The equivalent of day light savings was Sunday. They only have that here in the south of Brazil. At 9 pm at night we will be going home and the sun won't have set yet, pretty cool.

Those red shoes I bought were pretty worn out so I took them to a shoe repair guy and he fixed them for way cheap and did a great job, I was pretty happy.

We had Brazilian barbeque 3 times in 2 days. Believe it or not, I am a little sick of meat. But we have been finding a lot of avocados in the street and we made quacamole. Its weird for them to eat it with spices and salt because they always eat avocados sweet with sugar or in a smoothy (which is super yummy by the way, you guys should try it! ust puta little sugar on it, or add milk sugar and cinnamon for a smoothie).

We had 3 baptisms Saturday. That was pretty cool. We had a white Saturday, I think we will be doing it like this every month now. Work all month for people to be baptized on the 3rd Saturday of every month. President was here in our zone. The day before we made a ton of cake! It was pretty cool but I learned how to do it. Its called Nega Maluca which means like crazy black woman. But its a really good chocolate cake.

I love you all. Next week will be 9 months..... wow.

Lots of love.

Love, kat

October 10, 2011

A lot has happened this last week!!! A couple that we have been teaching for months and are dying to be baptized but needed to be married first, got married! My companion is really smart and she figured out something with the laws here and how they can be married religiously first and then civily but don't have to wait the 30 days to be technically married and it's cheaper. This week we were running to get everything done and they got married. They are so poor but I love them so miuch. So they will be baptized on Saturday!! I lent her my brown dress and we bought her a pair of shoes and a ribbon to use with the dress. She was so pretty. She has a lot of personality but at one point she hugged me and gave me a big kiss and said thank you for all you are doing. The moment was so tender. It meant so much to her. She has never really been taken care of and I think the wedding was really special for her. I gave her the dress. I love her so much.

There were three weddings that night. It was so cool.

I love the gospel. I know God lives and He loves us. We are literally his children and he wants to talk to us and bless us.

Sorry it's short this week. I hope everyone is doing great, loving the fall weather and getting ready for all the holidays. Know that I love you all, I miss you and I can't wait for the time when we can sit and talk and share good family times together with all the kids running around. I love you all.

Love always and forever,
Daughter, Sister, Auntie and Friend - Kat

October 3, 2011

Hello all!

General Conference was great this weekend. IT WENT SO FAST!!! We had a baptism in the break between the sessions! Her name is Carol. She is great. One of those people who you know will stay strong in the church and help where ever she is. I really like her. She was living with a less active and we started teaching them and then they got married and she was crazy excited to be baptized. I think she kind of got married to be baptized. I know she loves him but she was always talking about when she could be baptized. In the mission we will have all the baptisms of the month on the third Saturday of every month and she didn't want to wait two weeks to be baptized so she was baptized yesterday. The font was cold because the gas has a leak in our font and the water slowly drains so it was cold and there was very little water. :) But it was great.

I got proposed to. That was exciting. Someone said "you can stay here in Brazil and we will get married and follow the mormon church...". Not what I was expecting to hear but funny at the same time.

Claudia and Robson. Robson is loving the Book of Mormon. They have a little foresty area in the front of their house and he has gone out there several days to read the Book of Mormon and sit and think. She still has the hardest heart I have ever seen. We can't teach more spiritually or clearly. He is getting impatient with her. I am afraid he doesn't have the courage to keep going to church alone...that scares me.

Love you all family. I loved General Conference yesterday! We only got to watch it in English on Sudnay and it meant so much more to me!! It entered my heart and I loved it. I know the gospel is true. It was restored by Christ. This is His church, with the authority he has given to worthy men to guide and bless the lives of others. I love the Book of Mormon. It is a light in my life and an anchor in my testimony. I love you all and look forward to 10 months when I will be back with you all.

Love, Kat