Hello family!! How is everyone!
This week has been good. We found a family who lived in a German community so they speak German and Portuguese. They have a little boy 3 years old who speaks a mixture so its hard to understand, and the fact he is only 3. I think they will progress so that is exciting. The husband speaks better German then Portuguese but his Portuguese is really good. He is embarrassed to read out loud in Portuguese. I'll keep you all updated. I still don't understand his name so that is kind of hard.
Things are better in our house. Just that I am learning how important it is to be teachable and be willing to change things to help others. I hope I am learning all the Lord has for me to learn, I would be ok for a different lesson now.... :) Maybe that is cheating but we will see what happens. Next week is the transfer so we will see.
It's hot!!!! So stinking hot. Anywhere metal touches my skins it starts breaking out in a heat rash and I want to scratch it. Summer is only 2 more months then it will be COLD!!!!!!! So its all good. I am trying to send a picture of the hall in our house/old chapel. Sorry, I know how great it is to see pictures!! But these computers are pretty messed up where we use the internet.
I have been waking up at 5:30 to help my companion study English. I'll admit, its not everyday. Sometimes the alarm goes off and we both groan and keep sleeping. But I have noticed when I read in Portuguese it seems to enter into the heart more like it does in English. I am really grateful for that. Amazing how when we serve the Lord blesses us in ways we need. The more we give the more we recieve but we have to serve with the true intent to give. I love how Heavenly Father works. Truly is great.
I have been reading in Enos. There is so much to learn in this chaper! So so so much. I love after studying it for 2 hours the last verse he says ´and then shall I see his face with pleasure´ talking about judgement and seeing Christ. For so many reasons I love this verse. Go and read it. Enos 1:27
Love you all.
Have another great week doing good things. I am eternally grateful to be here serving a mission and seeing the Lord teach me. Line upon line!!
Love you all each and every one.
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