May 2, 2011

Our area has a new chapel, it is getting dedicated this week! It is a big production and we have flyers to hand out. It's actually going to be A LOT of work, we have to visit a ton of people and we got two Elders in our area too! There is a ton of work here.

It is getting COLD!!!!! and it isn't even winter yet!! I went to the secretary's office today and dug through a bunch of clothes! Got some warm ones! I hope! I hear the winter here is intense!!!! And of course humid makes it worse, it rains all the time and no one has heating, ya interesting. I am going to die!!! But oh well, it will all be for my good, right :) Interesting, I thought most of my mission would be warm! But no, I started in Provo, left to hit winter here (they say its like 6 months long..... ya I know) and then I'll have 4 months of HOT and a few months of transition. Then it wil be back to winter and I'll leave right in the intense part. Crazy. Maybe Heavenly Father is teaching me to love the cold! :)

We have an investigator, Andre, he is really cool. He is 33 and probably done everything in the book. One day we were waiting for the bus and he got off and I thought, oh we can talk to him. But then I thought no he won't want the gospel. Then he walks by us, turns around and he contacts us. That was pretty cool. Then we just started to teach last week and I had a special expérience. It was at the end of the lesson, and I had a chance to testify. I started and then suddenly I didn't have to look for the words, they were just there in my head and I felt an amazing amount of love for him. I dont remember everything I said, actually I don't remember most of what I said but later my companions told me that my Portuguese was perfect, and that I used words they don't even use. It was a cool experience for me. He is hungry for the gospel, I am learning a lot with teaching him, special for me. Then of course later that same day my Portuguese was a lot weaker. Special for me to experience. The gift of tongues is real, and the spirit touches peoples hearts, telling them that it's true. What a blessing.

EDWARDS BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! eddie one of the things i love about you, is that you love people. this will be very important when you serve your mission. you have an amazing ability to make friends and help people. learn the gospel now and you will be a great missioanry, i love you eddie, happy birthday!

Crazy story to share with you all, I am actually kind of nervous! Our mission has 11 or 12 sisters and 4 are going home this week (including one of my comps) because they have finished their mission. So we will have 8 'ish then I think 3 more are leaving next transfer, so we will have 5 'ish, then we are receiving a whole bunch of sisters, so President told me that I will be training in june..... ya, so I don't know if that is one more month or two more months, but I am going to be training a missionary after being in Brazil for about 3 that is humbling. At least I know it now. President Ribiero said that we need to have 2 hours of comp study every day and practice the lessons like crazy. When he first told me I would be training I laughed like oh your so funny, then I later realized he was serious, I should have known because he is kind of a serious man, and so ya, ta-da! I will be training. I'll probably be in the same area so that is good!!! Wow, so this next month is going to be a lot of work!!! Like a crazy amount of work, I thought this last month was me adjusting and progressing, but no, it was really me resting and getting ready to work like crazy!! Wow so prayers would be nice, specifically for me to be able to understand and speak Portuguese and to learn all of the lessons. :) Here we go :)

I keep telling my self, little by little, focus on the moment and apply myself the best I can.

My comp Sister Pires Santos says HI!!!

I love you all! The gospel is true and Heavenly Father loves and helps us. I love you all, do good things!

All of my love!
Sister Kathryn Taylor

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