This week has been hard with investigators! I feel like no one is progressing because they don't read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. It really makes the biggest difference. We are teaching a couple , Rita e Raniel, and they are really neat but I feel like they aren't reading. At first Rita was into the discussions more but she is having a hard time seeing that because of the Restoration of the gospel we have a living prophet today. She keeps saying the things that we teach are just like the other religions, which is partly true, but the parts that really matter, the authority to baptise is a problem. So we keep trying new things to explain it. I want to help them but I can't make them read.
Maira is amazing though, she lives in a little town called Sao Jose. We work there every Tuesday and Friday. We have always taught and she never really has any questions (her one question was about child baptism and we read Moroni with her) but when ever we leave I always thought `Really you dont have any questions? You sure?` but then she told us she started reading on her own and she read 1 and part of 2 Nephi then went back and started again because she didn't understand everything! We marked more about the prophet Samuel who prophesied of Christ's birth in 5 years and she has been reading. When we came last time she said that she cleaned her house quickly and was waiting for us so that she wouldn't have any distractions while we were teaching. She said she feels more peace in her life now!! She really is great. Her husband's schedule changes a lot so sometimes we will go a week or more with out seeing him but she's always teaching him what we teach her. It's really cool. We taught them the plan of salvation and it felt so good. She said the closing prayer with us the other day and prayed that she would be able to continue teaching her family about the gospel and that she could learn more about the commandments. :) She came to church on Sunday! with her son, she really liked it! She had kind of a negative experience with one of the members being impatient, so i am a little worried about her, we have been praying for her a lot and are going to call her here in a little bit and teach her again tomorrow. She is so amazing. We told her that we loved her the other day and she said `I love you too, you Sisters are my best friends. I have friends but it's different with you. I can talk about my doubts and its ok.´ It was a special experience.
The language is coming along, now that there is just two of us I have to talk more, it's good though, I am learning a lot. Slowly for sure, but learning a lot. I still think Sundays are the hardest, the members talk to me like I should be able to understand everything and know everyone, so that is hard. Especially because of my pride, when I am talked down to, it's really hard for me to want to be nice. But I am working on it and I know that I have a lot to learn. I am used to my companions accent but it's hard with other accents. It's slowly and surely coming along. :)
Time goes fast here, it's a blessing that we get to stay busy. The hardest time is in the morning when I just want to sleep a little longer (but of course I don't:)) and then also after lunch, when our stomachs are full and we are tired. President is pretty sure that I will need to be training, so he has added another hour to my study time every day!!! So now I get up, exercise, shower, eat, get ready, 8-9 personal study, 9-11 is companionship study, 11-11:30 is language study, go to lunch, come BACK to the house and study Preach My Gospel for another hour. :) I feel like it's the MTC all over again. I just hope that I have a Brazilian companion that will be able to understand everything that is said. But life in brazil is good!
I love you all!! The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a blessing and helps us have a closer relationship with God. The gospel is all about love, unfortunately the people who live it are not perfect, but that is what life is all about. A process of being a little better today then we were yesterday and understanding a little more today then we did yesterday!
I love you all.
Love, Sister Taylor!
These two pictures are what the land looks like when there are not buildings and poeple.
This one is of me two weeks ago in the mission office. I was wearing a lot of black, sometimes it's just more comfortable but then I realize people probably think I am in mourning over someone. So i try not to wear too much, but my clothes that are black are more comfortable. :)
The video is of a lightning storm we had the other day. but there was no thunder! It was pretty cool. It made the sky turn purple, blue and sometimes a yellow green. It was pretty cool to see. The video isn't really that impressive but it was cool to see. It was almost like a constant stream of lightning. SOOO COOOL
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