May 23, 2011

Hello dear family! How is everyone doing? this week has been really good. First time teaching the commandments and I was a little nervous but it was good! The pictures are of a family night that we had the other day! We have two investigators and then three members there. It was way good!!! We had a lesson about Moses and when he raised his hands for a battle, but he got tired and so people held his hands for him, then we talked (my companion) about the importance of helping each other and lifting each other. It was good. Then we had an activity where you put socks on your hands and have to unwrap a candy bar type thing with a knife and fork, it was really fun!!!! The man behind me an then the really tall one in the back are our investigators. The little girl by me is the same one that I had trouble with my patience a few weeks ago! But she is a sweet heart. Her dad is the tall one in the back. I think she is absolutely beautiful!! Especially with her short hair!

This week with teaching the commandments and the plan of salvation, I have learned more and more about the importance of our bodies and how very special they really are! It's amazing to understand a little bit more. In the pre-earth life our desire was to have a body so that we could progress and become better, gain experience and do hard things. We knew it was going to be hard, we knew it was important and we had agency. because we are here we choose the plan of our Heavenly Father. he gives us commandments to help our bodies and respect our bodies. At death we seperate with our bodies and wait for the resurrection so that we can get our resurrected bodies. But when we seperate from our bodies we do not stop working and progressing but we are the same perosn with the same desires and struggles, because of this our life right now is so important!!!!! To everyday try a little more, to be a little better. To apply ourselves a little more. Our life and existance is a beautiful process of progress and once again we have the agency to choose! But we are helped as we choose to obey the commandments because they really are here to help and not to restrict. We have more opportunities and abilities as we live the commandments!! And we will have our bodies forever. What a great blessing. I read this morning in Matthew (somewhere in the first 9 chapters) about the miracle where Christ cast out the demons and they went to inhabit the body of the pigs. Bodies are that special and important that those who do not have one, desire so much to experience a body that they ask to have the body of pigs. Interesting to think about and realize how important our bodies are right now and that we take care of them. I am not very good at this but I have more desire and understanding.

The gospel is beautiful. The more I study and teach the more I understand about how it all works together! It all makes sense in the plan of salvation. I know this is our Heavenly Father's plan for us to return to him and that he sent Jesus Christ to be our Savior, to show and teach us exactly what we need to do to return to live with our Heavely Father agian!

I read a quote the other day by Hyrum Smith that talked about when we have the chance to testify about something we understand it more, it is so true! I feel it everyday. I am starting to like teaching more and more and I understand a little more Portuguese every day!!

Love you all, I pray for you all every day!

Love Auntie Kat
Sister Taylor

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