February 27, 2012

I love you all. Transfers are tomorrow. My trainee is going to be with Sister Wells!!! Love Sister Wells, it will be good for Sister Nascimento and I get to work again with Sister Pinehiro!!! She was the first one I trained!! I am actually really really really excited! It will be good for me and exactly what I need. I love her.

I am so grateful for the gospel, forgiveness, healing and love. I don't function well without communication and I am learning so much about myself right now. It's crazy!!

I am reading Mosiah 2 right now. What an amazing chapel. All about service and work. I am so grateful for the chance to work. It is an inherit desire that as humans we need. We need to really feel that in our lives. The satisfaction that comes from working. It grows in us. We are built on the law and principle of work. How cool is that. Everyone should read it. So good.

I am just grateful for the gospel in my life. I am grateful that Heavenly Father lives and loves me and that things can always be better. I am grateful for the priesthood.

I love you all and wish you all an amazing week! I am praying for each of you always!!

With all my love.

Sister Taylor

February 20, 2012

Hello family!! How is everyone!

This week has been good. We found a family who lived in a German community so they speak German and Portuguese. They have a little boy 3 years old who speaks a mixture so its hard to understand, and the fact he is only 3. I think they will progress so that is exciting. The husband speaks better German then Portuguese but his Portuguese is really good. He is embarrassed to read out loud in Portuguese. I'll keep you all updated. I still don't understand his name so that is kind of hard.

Things are better in our house. Just that I am learning how important it is to be teachable and be willing to change things to help others. I hope I am learning all the Lord has for me to learn, I would be ok for a different lesson now.... :) Maybe that is cheating but we will see what happens. Next week is the transfer so we will see.

It's hot!!!! So stinking hot. Anywhere metal touches my skins it starts breaking out in a heat rash and I want to scratch it. Summer is only 2 more months then it will be COLD!!!!!!! So its all good. I am trying to send a picture of the hall in our house/old chapel. Sorry, I know how great it is to see pictures!! But these computers are pretty messed up where we use the internet.

I have been waking up at 5:30 to help my companion study English. I'll admit, its not everyday. Sometimes the alarm goes off and we both groan and keep sleeping. But I have noticed when I read in Portuguese it seems to enter into the heart more like it does in English. I am really grateful for that. Amazing how when we serve the Lord blesses us in ways we need. The more we give the more we recieve but we have to serve with the true intent to give. I love how Heavenly Father works. Truly is great.

I have been reading in Enos. There is so much to learn in this chaper! So so so much. I love after studying it for 2 hours the last verse he says ´and then shall I see his face with pleasure´ talking about judgement and seeing Christ. For so many reasons I love this verse. Go and read it. Enos 1:27

Love you all.
Have another great week doing good things. I am eternally grateful to be here serving a mission and seeing the Lord teach me. Line upon line!!

Love you all each and every one.


February 13, 2012

hello my family! !

How is everyone? Doing well? I started early with the photos hoping that they will send today and so you all don't have to wait for another week to see a photo. There is a picture of me from a few weeks ago, a picture of a beautiful sun set view from the front of our house, a picture of our house?( which was a chapel a long time ago) that now sits on the side of the other chapel that we use now, and a few others!! I made tacos with the package I got!! Thank you so much, they were so good and my companions like them too! A picture of me and my companion. She doesn't like to take pictures of the day to day only when she is all done up so we took a picture at the conference with Elder Claudio R.M. Costa, which was SOOO good. He talked a lot about the spirit. I really enjoyed it. I got to see lots of the other Sisters which was neat, I'll forward that picture too.

The other day we had an awesome experience teaching a woman about the restoration. It should probably be more like this everytime so we are trying. We knocked on the door, her name is Simone, we talked a little and started teaching the restoration, then when we were explaining prophets I had ideas and ways to explain it that I never had before while teaching. It wasn't anything crazy different but I knew it was what she needed but I didn't konw why. I really really enjoyed that lesson. We are finding a few good people so I hope that someone progresses!

In my personal study I am in Jacob 5"!!!! YEAH!! Alegory! It's going to be tough in Portuguese but I'll read along in english. I am mainly excited because it is about gathering scattered israel! I am hoping it will make more sense to me now that I have studied more about it. I am loving studying more about gathering of Israel.

Transfers are in 2 weeks. I don't know what is going to happen. I know that something will change but who and where I don't know. Some of the members don't like the other companionship that is here with us and I am getting sick of everyone talking about everyone else behind their backs. I feel like everyone does that and it gets old fast. We will see what happens. I am tired. Every day I get up and it takes a while to wake up. wWe are getting up at 5:30 because my companion wants to study english, so we study for an hour then do the normal routine. I don't know how Elders do this for 2 years!!!!!!! They are tough.

I love you all so much, I am so grateful for the gospel in my life. I know the fullness and authority was restored on the earth through the prophet Joseph. I am grateful for the blessing I have to teach about it. I love you all.

Sister Taylor

February 6, 2012

Some exciting news. We get to have a conference with Elder Claudio R. M. Costa of the Seventy. We will leave tonight at midnight on the bus to get to Santa Maria at about 7 in the morning and I think the conference will start at 8. That will be pretty exciting. I am excited. I think we all are. :) It is always nice to get together with the other missionaries and see how everyone is. (Rachel, I hear one of the Esckelson boys is serving here. I don't know if I will get to see him but that would be cool. I don't remember really well what he looks like...but luckily people have name tags here :) ).

As far as teaching goes, everyone we were teaching has cut us, or moved. oOur efforts with less actives has stoppped producing results. So we are just going to start over again. :) Maybe the Lord is being merciful and letting us use our time to find other people who will make the changes they need. :) I am thoroughly enjoying the general conference Ensign. There is a talk in the priesthood session that talks about missions. I think it's the third talk that was given. It was really really good. It has helped me this week. It talks about how every mission is different but how the Lord knows the missionary, the mission, the mission president, the members, and the investigators that the missionary needs to grow with their personality. I was grateful again for that guidance. I am trying to send a picture but again these computers aren't the best here.

I am loving learning more daily. I have to be careful to not feel sometimes that I am doing the same thing over and over, so I have to switch up sometimes. I am still studying ´The Gathering of Scattered Israel´ and I am loving it.

I love you all. I hope each of you are finding ways to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ in your daily lives. I am eternally grateful for each one of you. Thank you so much for all you do for me and for yours prayers. I pray for you all daily. As specifically as I can. Thank you for your love.

Love always,
Sister Taylor

January 30, 2012

Sorry everyone, my time ran out last week when I was sending this so here it is! First off, can everyone respond for me if they like the model of shoes called Tom´s. You can google it. I am trying to figure out what to buy people and if I can get someone to go to Argentina for me to buy them cheaper. Please let me know!!!
Love, Kat

Hello my wonderful family!!!

How are you all doing? How is the weather? How are all the grandkids? Give them hugs and kisses for me!

This last week I had the chance of studying two talks by Elder Russell M. Nelson. One titled ´The Gathering of Scattered Israel´ general conference 2006 and ´Covenants´ general conference 2011. These talks have changed the way iI am doing missionary work. They are changing the way I want to be. I started the mission knowing it was important and not really understanding why. Then the middle got really hard and my vision weakened. Now after reading these talks, I have more faith and I understand now why it's really important. We read them preparing for a zone conference with our Mission President. It was a wonderful experience and everything that has to do with the covenant that Heavenly Father made with Abraham. Our salvation and our exaltation. Wow, it's good. I would love to share with you all about it when I get back but I had a really neat experience. The day I finished reading these talks, I had the best day of work I have ever had in the mission field. I had a faith that was so strong, I knew in my heart people wanted and were ready for the gospel. It was so great and that day we found a family full of girls (sound familiar) and we taught them the restoration. It was such a good experience. I was so animated and excited to teach them. Now I need to learn how to build that kind of faith to use it everyday. It was really really neat for me to feel.

This week a lot of people have expressed concerns about their lives, which is great. Thank you so much for opening up to me. I started thinking about how each of us have worries and discouragements. I invite each of us to reach out to each other a little more. Find ways to serve each other. Each and every one of us need help and we have the perfect organization of the family to help with that. At the same time, let's try to be open and willing to receive counsel and help from each other. Something that as well each of us need to be more open to and work on. Each of us have worries and difficulties in our lives. Many times we aren't really willing to share openly with people. So if each and everyone of us make a point of reaching out to others more we will feel a difference in our own worries and be able to help each other. I am so grateful for our family. I am grateful for the purposes we have to fulfill and how to help each other. I love what binds us together. Let's work at strengthening it. Let's serve, let's speak well and uplifting about each other, let's seek to find the best in each one. Let's work to be an eternal family. I am grateful for each one, parents, sisters, brothers in law, all the kids and the families of each one. Thank you for your examples and love for me.

I love you all with all my heart. We are far apart, but we can be a family forever. It just depends on us.
I love the story some one told me one time that Grandpa Taylor said we needed to tell each other we love each other more and the older girls started to say it as they would leave the family get togethers. Aunt Rhonda told me about that once. Let's rededicate ourselves.
I love you all.

Love always and forever,

We are a family, forever, for always, no matter what!