November 21, 2011

Hello Wonderful family!!!!

I hope you are all doing well!!!! I have made so much cake these last few weeks. I need to stop. We always make it for people and then we eat it too so i feel huge but its so fun at the same time!! I will have 10 months on the mission this week...I think that will be on Saturday. Crazy, time passes. It doesn't stop. Makes me want to work harder and harder, talk to more and more people. I love teaching with my current companion. I always feel good and we work together, it's the way it's supposed to be. Neither one of us tries to be better than the other. And she is helping me stop popping my knuckles. So you guys can all keep tabs on me and help me with that goal. By the time I go home I want to be very out of that habbit so please help me out and ask me how it's going. I found out that I will be going home in the middle of August actually. That is tricky, school will start up less than 2 weeks later so I really only have time to go home for a few days give my homecoming talk then head off to school shortly there after. I am actually not really worried about it, but it's just a lot to do when I get back into reality.

I am still in Cruz Alta, my second area. I think I will be transferred in 2 weeks. I have been here almost 5 months and Presidente Ribeiro already told us (me and my companion) that good things don't last forever! I will really miss Cruz Alta though. It has been good to me. I feel like I am learning so much about myself and about the simplicity of the gospel, who I want to be and how I can get there. I have really gained a stronger testimony of fasting. I have also learned the only way to gain a testimony is by putting things in action!!! Actually applying the principle and then waitng in faith. I love that we can test the commands of the Lord and he will always bless us. Its amazing how it works. I love the scritpures. Love learning from the prophets. I love that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The priesthood of God is restored here on the earth. What more wonderful thing could there be. The literal power of God, the same that Christ has and used while he was here establishing his church and that he uses still. THAT is why the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is so important. That is why a young boy, Joseph Smith, saw God and Jesus Christ. It's for that priesthood power. The power that links heaven and earth. The power that can call upon the heavens. Wow it really is amazing and so simple to see. I love the gospel and I love that I have a chance to learn more about it. It is little by little changing my life. A mission is a great thing. Sometimes it's hard not to get caught up in the numbers and the just putting in time but it's when we really focus on the people, teach to their needs. I love the Gospel. I love and miss the temple. I am so excited to be able to go back. I miss it. I love you all. I hope you all know that. Individually. The love I have for each one of you is special, because it's together that we make up a family that can be together forever. Amazing how we are all so imperfect, but through Christ, that is all ok. On the condition we apply the atonement in our lives. I have been thinking about how we so often fear men more than God. Why is that? We think about the world and not about the eternal consequences of our sins. Because we literally CANNOT enter the kingdom of God unless we are perfect. In Moroni 7:48 there is a part that talks about how we will see the Savior when we comes because we will be like he is. We have to go through a lot of purifing and applying the atonement to get to the point where we can say we know the savior and that we recognize him. He is all mercy and love and forgiveness. But God is justice, he cannnot cease to be so. I am eternally grateful for the ways I am learning that now. I am changing who I want to be and I hope when I come home I will be a different and better Kathryn. I love you all so much. I encourage you to read your patriarcal blessings prayfully. Go to the temple. Think about eternity with us as a family and what we have to do to reach our goal of being together forever.

It sounds like things are changing around up there. Kersten and Russell!!! I am so excited to meet Henry! So far we are up to 2 new neices and 1 nephew. I am excited for that!! To get to hold and kiss them! That will be a good moment. And Hannah and Jake moving, wow, that will be hard, I will miss you all terribly. I am not even home but I am excited. Change is good. It gives us all a chance to grow and learn in a different environment. Its never comfortable to grow but it's a privilege. I love you all. Excited to hear all the details of new things that are happening.


Sister Kathryn Adalee Taylor
Auntie Kat

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