November 14, 2011

Hello my wonderful family.

How is everyone doing? All the kids? Everyone getting ready for the new Ellsworth baby? I am excited!!! Thanksgiving is coming up. Pretty soon Rachel will be headed off to school again. Christmas and the New Year! I wish I could be there with all of you, but having to be in another part of the world I am glad I am here in Brazil serving and learnig more about the love of the Savior. It is a very special time in my life. I am far from living it perfectly but I keep trying.

Sister Dunford and I have been working A LOT. We have found a lot of new people to teach, it's amazing. Right when you think there is no one left in the city to find, the streets I have walked for 4 months, we find new people everyday. I love that we teach differently every time we teach, we say different things and apply it to the people. I am begining to feel like I am becoming the kind of missionary I have wanted to be.

Cool story for you all. We were walking down a street I have walked almost evvery single day but I hadn't knocked on this house so we knocked and asked if we could say a prayer. But she marked another day for us to come back, so we went back that day, said a prayer and taught the restoration, (I had actually taught members of her family down the street two weeks before and most of her kids were at that house
the other day and they were all at the house this day, pretty cool). We invited her to be baptized at the end of the lesson and she said yes and we marked to come back. We went back the day we marked and saw her leaving her house and totally ignoring us. Like she looked right at us and then kept walking. We stood there kind of confused and such. So another day we were walking there and decided to knock again
just to see if she would let us in or not and then she pops up in front of the window with a HUGE smile and says that we can come in. I am kind of shocked so I don't move, and so she says it again, and it clicks in my head so we go in and then she explains that she has a twin that lives just up the road from her and that it was her twin that was leaving the house the other day. Wow!!!!! So ya she still
wants to be baptized and we will see!! We left a Book of Mormon and are going back tonight.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love teaching and learning about the gospel. I love the time I have to study every day. Portuguese is good, my companion speaks perfectly so she corrects me and tells me what I need to improve on, which helps so much, and is hard to hear sometimes. But she is just helping me. I am so eternally grateful for my decision to serve a mission. I am in the hardest mission in Brazil.
The people are amazing but they are so closed off to changing. But I am so grateful for the things I have learned, how my testomony has and is developing and strengthening, for the´people I have met and taught the restored gospel to. I am grateful for the privilege I have to know my mission president, Presidente Ribeiro. I am grateful Heavenly Father knows the details in my life and is helping me become
the person I need to be.

I love you all and I am grateful we have the chance to work towards being an eternal family. But it depends on us. Each one of us. I love the way Heavenly Father has it worked out. everything is organized perfectly and because we are human and imperfect we have Christ and the atonement.

I love you all, kiss the kids and tell them Auntie Kat loves them.

Sister Taylor

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