Family! How is everyone! I am learning so much right now!! How I need to change as a person and as a missionary. I am learning about goals and getting things done and as always how to work with other personalities!! :)
I think most of all I am learning about the love of the Savior. The importance of keeping the commandments because we love him too. We WILL recieve blessings for doing our part!!! It's so simple and so real. So many of the families we are teaching right now say they are feeling a difference, they say when they learn how to pray their perspectives change. They feel more peace in their house and more love. The problem is that some of them are satisfied with the little changes and blessings and aren't willing to do more. Gosh that part breaks my heart. We planned on having 12 people in church yesrerday and only 4 of our ancient investigators were there. We need to change the way we teach to really show them that Heavenly Father has SO MUCH MORE in store, but they have to do their part. This all applies with me though too. When I do ALL that I can, the Lord will bless me. I need to do all that I can. And as a missionary we have A LOT of commandments, if I don't do them, I can't get the blessings. It all becomes very clear.
Only one more month for GENERAL CONFERENCE!!!! When we get to listen and hear the words of the Prophet and Apostles!! I am so excited!! I can't believe it has already almost been 6 months. This week we are going to start getting people ready and excited about it because it is such a privilage!!! I am excited!
The first picture is of DavĂ. Son of Claudia e Robson. He is 5 years old and loves rodeo!!! He is really good at lasso with the stick cow. It's pretty cool to watch. He loves super heros and I asked him if he likes dinosaurs too and he said yes, I thought of Shay! Davi talks all the time. He always wants to tell us the story of David and Goliath! He has it memorized. He gets a little discouraged with prayer because he is used to the memoriezed prayer but he is learning little by little.
The second picture is Davi and his mom , Claudia, in the background. She is still more resitant about our message. This week we are starting to teach the commandments and we are doing to teach why authority is important AGAIN!
The next one is me and my comp. She is great! Really firm with our investigators, which is good. Probably because I am really nice, so it's good they have someone to push them. That has always been hard for me but I am trying to learn in a good way. Everyone, literally everyone called her annoying today. We met up with the Elders at the church and some of her district from the MTC was there and they all told stories about how `chato` she is. It's like annoying and a stickler and kind of in your face. She likes to point out peoples follies, but it's all working out. I love her. One of our investigators called her annoying too, to her face. Everyone is pretty honest here. I guess her Bishop also told her not be annoying on the mission so she is pretty used to it. It's amazing how different people are because I would cry if someone told me that.
The last picture is the other Sisters we live with. Sister Cruz e Sister Balbino. I like them a lot!!!
Family, I love you. I hope every day you all are strengthening your testiomy of the restored Gospel and authority of the Priesthood here on the earth agian. I know that Jesus Christ lives. He is our Savior and Redeemer. ALL that we need to do in this life is only possible because of him. Because we know the truth of these things we have a responsibility to share it with others. I have thought, wow what a blessing to be born in the church and to have always known these truths. I avoided a lot of situations growing up because of the gospel. I always knew what was good and what wasn´t but with that comes a responsibility and I want to be better! I love you all.
Love always and forever!
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