Today is tranfers but we don't have a phone officially because it got lost before I got here, and we don't know what it happening!!!!!! We totally want to stay together and we feel like we are learning a ton and we love our investigators!!!! But we are trying to be ready for whatever is going to happen and trust that we are ready for it. Our District Leader is headed over here to talk to us but he hasn't come yet and I am feeling nervous!!! I might be training in a different area or we are just moving houses or the other Sisters will move in with us. Lots of stuff. We just don't know yet!!
Our investigators, I have told you all a little about the faith of Alex e Laura. Here are some pictures of them and their 2 little boys. We had lunch with them yesterday, she saved up all week to give us a nice meal, I think it's the best I have had during the mission because I knew the HUGE sacrifice that it was for them and that they so willingly gave it!!!!!! Wow I love them. (Also everyone here makes potato salad, but it's so much better here!! I love it). Then they went to church! I just love them so much. They don't know everything about the gospel but they have so much FAITH!! So can't wait to be baptised and their marriage papers are finally coming. It's been like a two month wait and its finally on its way!!!! Kind of funny the age difference between them. She is 19 and he is 37...... :) It's weird to think about sometimes but they really are so happy and have so much personality. They are not perfect but they are willing to do everything and they have seen the blessings come into their lives!!! They are such an example. They live in the worst place!!!! Every one there is a crack addict and they are just this little diamond in the rough. We can't even go there with out a member. So to feed us lunch we meet them way far away from their house and they walked us there and back. It's so amazing. And they like us!! That is a bonus. ;)
Our bedroom doesn't have a door handle that works from the inside so we have a towel on the corner so we dont accidently get locked in our room!! But one night it was really cold and we we had the heater on, so without thinking I shut the door really hard with the towl on the corner and we were locked in. My lovely companion climbed through that little window in the bathroom (which leads to the laundry room) after a long hard day and we laughed so hard and had to get a picture. That is my guilty face with the door!!!
We have had a lot of old men tell us that we are really beautiful this week. That is kind of weird and we don't mark to come back and teach them. We have the funniest experiences together but we are learning and doing all that we can to help our investigators grow. I like that we support each other and if one feels like we should do a certain thing we are willing to try and go along happily and put our all into it. We have a member who is in the hospital here so we go and visit her, be so grateful for the hospitals we have back home. It's very different here.
There is a picture of a little gaucho, he is in the full get up. He was playing with a toy accordian and dancing to music on the radio so we stopped to get a picture. Sosososososo cute!!!!
The Gospel is so true. I know I am not great at teaching and speaking Portuguese but I feel the importance of it every day!!! I want to help these people but they have to want it. It hurts so much sometimes when I know the huge difference this will make if they will just read The Book of Mormon, pray with real desire, and go to church. People all over are looking for something to change their lives but if they don't do something different they won't get different results. We have one guy who is 30 and he wants a different life he just isn't willing to do what he needs to. He reads the Book of Mormon but he doesn't pray or go to church. We can't keep coming back to see him because he just talks about changing and doesn't act differently. But it breaks me heart because his life is unhealthy in everyway, he just doesn't follow through.
Family, I love you all. I showed pictures of you guys to Alex e Laura and I missed you all. I have one more year on the mission. I will have a lot more experiences and a lot more trials. But every day I am trying to be better, and trying to learn. In this next year a lot of things will happen and you all will have a lot of experiences, please keep sharing them with me, even if it's the smallest thing!!! I love hearing everyday stuff.
I love you all. I pray for you all, especially at this time I am praying for harvest and that everyone will be safe.
With all of my love.
Sister Kathryn Adalee Taylor
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