February 25, 2011

So hello dearest family!!

I have my first Zone conference tonight, I don't really know what it will be but when my teachers were speaking portuguese and explaining it to me, I picked up that they are really awesome and to be ready to learn a lot!!! :)

My companion and I have had some good experiences, we are still learning how to work together, she is a little scared of talking to people so we have really pushed her being able to start and keep up a conversation on her own. She is doing a lot better!!! We made some goals to work on together, I think it will be nice to be working toward something together instead of working on each other! I am sure that is obvious to everyone but it has been a good realization for me!

Portueguse is coming slow (I always spell that wrong) I feel like I am to the point where I am beginng to really understand! When the teachers talk I can understand most everything they say! Sometimes I stop listening for a minute and then I am lost, so it takes a lot of effort but it feels good! I get insecure about talking though, I know I just need to start making mistakes and talking! I made some goals but I just have to do it. I get scared!! :) It will all work out. Sometimes our teachers laugh at us, and I am sure it is really funny when you actually know what it's supposed to sound like and what you're saying!!! :)

We have a newish Sister in our room with us, (by room I mean residence hall) where we sleep, like a dorm-ish. She is so cool. Sister Black from Seattle area, lots of Washington people here! She is great, we laugh and talk a lot more with her, she has the craziest things happen to her and we all take the chance to laugh and relax at night because she always has a great story, she is so funny, and definately a blessing for our group. She is in a different district (class) but she is such a people person, she lights up the room. She is a loud red head, I dont know if that helps at all but she is great! Sister Bailey and Sister Myers are the other Sisters in our District and they are so smart!! They are really good at Portueugese!! My companion is Sister Jessee (I dont know if everyone knew that or not).

I heard the stake split!! How is the adjustment going? Is it a really small stake now or is still a pretty good size?

I love you all!! Thank you so much for your love, I love hearing from everyone!!! Please let me know how you are all doing!!!

I love you all.

Sister Kathryn Taylor
Auntie Kat

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