June 11, 2012

Hello everyone! I am so excited to talk to you all today! I can't believe how time passes. A lot is happening here. Its COLD COLD COLD but they said maybe its going to heat up this week! That will be a blessing. The biggest sacrifices are for me to get out of bed and get into the shower. :) Ya its cold. I am a lot less willing to suffer this winter, hah its kind of funny. But its all good. Time passes. I think its the same amount of cold we have at home but you never get warm here, inside or outside, even next to the fires its just not the same. Then I think about the pioneers and the handcart companies and I remember I really have nothing to complain about. I have been thinking a lot about faith this week. As we are a family and we all help each other I would like to invite everyone to study faith in the scriptures with me this week and then we can share our thoughts next week and see what insights we have. Miracles are real but they only happen through our faith. As we have a collective faith lets look and see the miracles happen. I know that Christ is our Savior. I know that because he lived and died and was ressurected for each of us we can become as he is one day. This is the great process of our lives. I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love the chance I have to talk to people about the love that God and Christ have for us. I know its real and I know its accessible. I love each of you and I am praying daily for each of you. Love always, Kathryn Auntie kat p.s. Is everyone showing the kids my pictures so they remember me?

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