"Kathryn is officially at the MTC, as of 1:30pm MST today. I'm pretty sure we didn't arrive there a minute early :)
Once I picked her up from the airport we ran to WalMart and got some groceries for me then we went to see Aunt Cody at work. It was so fun so see Cody, always is. Although I could tell Cody didn't exactly want to let Kathryn go she did a phenomenal job with the goodbye's. After we saw Cody we went to lunch at Zupa's, an excellent soup and sandwich shop. Then we went to make sure her W-2 was taken care of from Shirley's and stopped to say "Hi" to Courtney, a friend in Provo. Then it was off to the MTC. Let me tell ya, they have Wednesday's figured out. Several men out there directing traffic and tons of missionaries lining the sidewalk with a 'host' sticker on their suits waiting to greet the 'fresh meat' :)
Here are a couple pictures of us with Cody and at the MTC. Apparently the missionaries aren't allowed to take the picture for us but they can 'guide' us. So Kathryn is holding the camera and a missionary is standing behind it telling us to move the camera up or down to make sure we were actually in the picture we were taking. We were going to ask the family near us dropping off their son to take the picture but they were so consumed with dropping him off that we figured it best to leave them alone. Apparently dropping off your missionary is a rather emotional experience but we were so busy laughing there wasn't time for any tears.
Kathryn seemed a little confused as to whether her name is Kathryn or Sister Taylor :) The 'host' missionaries were great and very friendly. She will adapt quickly and I'm sure she will be the highlight of everyone's day. I have no doubt the MTC will miss her laughs as soon as she's on her way to Brazil."
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